About Lido Universe

Lido Universe started as a Youtube Channel for lofi music and cozy animation - Lido Lofi. I'm responsible for the background and animation, and my partner Toneoko creates the music. 

Our long term goal is to make this into a video game or animated series, so we are writing a story and building the world as we make these YouTube videos.


Character List:

Relaxol - Mysterious axolotl dragon mix creature. She has an always relaxed face, and has an alt form that resembles more of a dragon in which she's also significantly bigger.

Joji - Also known as backpack cat - Joji is a cat that travels all the time with her backpack. She has her own universe, but also occasionally travels to the Lido Universe.

Biu bius - Squid like translucent beings just wondering everywhere in the Lido Universe.

The Prince - Grew up with Relaxol and are best friends, the Prince lives in the castle with Relaxol before she goes on to her journey.


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